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Ironing Day

The old saying said that a good housewife did her ironing on Tuesdays. Ironing at Gertrude’s house was another production. She ironed...

Gertrude and the laundry

There was an old saying that said Monday was laundry day. I’m not sure that Gertrude did the laundry on Mondays but I do remember it was...

Gertrude and the making of jams

This is the time of year in western New York when Gertrude would begin the ritual of making jams. She had an old gas stove in her...

Let’s go for a Drive

I said that just the other day and wondered if Gertrude was here! She loved a Sunday drive. Maybe because she did not drive and could...

Gertrude took me to the automat

I do not think Buffalo had an automat but New York City had many. When we went to the “City” Gertrude would treat me to lunch at the...

Gertrude and Dieting

I do not think Gertrude ever went on a weight loss diet in her entire life and she never owned a bathroom scale. When I was in high...

Needle Threader

Who knew how handy this thing would be when I turned 40 years old? I remember Gertrude loved to sew but hated to thread the needle. When...

Coffee Klatches

In New York, a coffee klatsch meant that a bunch of friends or family members would get together, visit and drink lots of coffee. I...

Cream Extractor??

As I was going through that box of “stuff” from Gertrude and came across this thing, A cream extractor in its original box. I do not...

Eat Your Roughage

Gertrude call it roughage, not fiber and she sure knew that it was important. During the spring and summer she served large portions of...

But I can’t fall asleep

I remember it was the night before we were traveling to Detroit with a stop at Deerfield Village. I was excited and so ready to leave the...

Darning Or Mending Holes Socks

You can call it whatever you would like but Gertrude was an expert at making anything look like new. I found this old sock mending...

Are You Hungry?

That is the question Gertrude would ask me, if I asked her for something to eat, when it was not time to eat. Interesting, answer a...

Gertrude and Garbage

Gertrude always used the paper grocery bags to line the trash can in the kitchen. After making coffee she would take a section of the...

Just keep walking. But my feet hurt!

I remember saying that my feet hurt many times when I was with my grandmother. Gertrude never owned a car, nor did she get a driver’s...

Waste Not, Want Not

Those were the words Gertrude used on a regular basis. She had been a young woman during WWI and the Spanish flu epidemic, a young mother...

Welcome To Gertrude Knew Best!

I decided to start this blog because I want people to know the wisdom of my grandmother, Gertrude. She was wise beyond any formal...

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