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  • Writer's pictureCass Ryan

Cream Extractor??

As I was going through that box of “stuff” from Gertrude and came across this thing, A cream extractor in its original box. I do not remember seeing her use it. But I do remember the glass milk bottles that were delivered to her door. She had a small door on the side of the house, where the milk bottles were placed. On the inside there was another door to take the milk inside the house. This was very practical because in the winter, the milk would have been frozen if let outside for very long. I also seem to remember that the milk was not homogenized, and the cream rose to the top of the bottle. Wow, that memory really makes me feel older than dirt! I guess skim milk was not an option in the 1950’s.

If Gertrude used the cream extractor it must have been to make fresh whipped cream. I

remember helping her pick strawberries and it was a nice reward to have them served for

desert with real whipped cream. None of that aerosol canned whipped cream. I do not believe she every made butter because it would have required too many bottles of milk. She was frugal and loved her milk with a little coffee. She got me addicted to coffee at a very young age. But another blog on coffee klatches to follow.


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