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  • Writer's pictureCass Ryan

Just keep walking. But my feet hurt!

Updated: Apr 23, 2020

I remember saying that my feet hurt many times when I was with my grandmother. Gertrude never owned a car, nor did she get a driver’s license. She walked and sometimes rode the bus, when it was available. Growing up in Buffalo in the 1950’s there was great bus service, but if we could walk somewhere, we did.

Gertrude could walk all day and never get tired. As I grew older my endurance improved. If it hadn’t, I would have missed out on so many adventure.

During the summers we would tag along with my grandfather on his business trips. We went to New York City, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Detroit, Toronto and many other “big” cities. While my grandfather called on clients, Gertrude and I would go and explore. She loved to explore, so off we went, all day. Sometimes at the end of the day we were miles from the hotel, so it was a long haul back. Even after the evening meal, it was not uncommon for the three of use to go for another walk.

As a kid, walking for me became the norm. It is funny to me that today we tell people to go for a walk, it is good for you. Get in 10,000 steps every day. Back in the 50’s walking was not only good for you, but it was a necessity! Maybe those really were to good old days.


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