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  • Writer's pictureCass Ryan


This year we had a wonderful Thanksgiving but not like the kind Gertrude would prepare. Gertrude would cook for days, filling the refrigerator with all sorts of dishes, yes even a Jell-O mold! She would put all the leaves in the dining room table, use the GOOD china and polish her silver. It was always delicious and we had leftovers until almost Christmas.

This year we celebrated at my daughter’s home in New Orleans. We all made some of the food but no one made a Jell-O dish. We sat on the patio and enjoyed the wonderful weather of New Orleans in the Fall. We at turducken (turkey, duck and chicken all wrapped together) and had I my first deep fried turkey (another southern tradition). I do not think Gertrud would have approved of the meats but the sides were wonderful; with sweet potatoes, green beans and corn. We celebrated with Whitney’s new husband and his family plus the lost friends who did not make it to their homes for the holiday.

We were all thankful for what we have and that everyone was in good health. I hope your Thanksgiving was a memorable as ours.


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