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  • Writer's pictureCass Ryan

The covid 19 POUNDS

If one more person asks me what is the best diet to lose the weight they have gained during this pandemic, I will scream!

Yes, the pandemic has caused some people to gain unwanted pounds. Why? Well, some people eat because they are bored, others because they are lonely, others anxious and many because they were frustrated.

Stuck at home, with a full kitchen at my disposal and not much to do. I must admit that although I do not own a scale and refuse to get on one at the doctor’s office, some of my clothes are a little snug around the waist.

All of us have learned too many bad habits as we manage to survive this thing called life. Gertrude told me to listen to my body (stomach). As a child, I would hear my tummy rumble and ask for food. I knew NOT to go into the kitchen to try to find something to eat. First, I had to ask. She was not a stickler for eating only at certain times, just when I was really hungry.

That was so much easier to do then. Today it is a real challenge to only eat when I am hungry.

So, I am trying my best to do what Gertrude told me so many years ago. Listen to my body and eat when I am are hungry.

What does stomach hunger feel like? I decided to wait and see. It took several hours for hunger to hit me. It did not always coincide with traditional mealtimes or when my dear husband was hungry.

Some days I always not very hungry and other I was very hungry.

I started by asking myself the easy question, “Am I hungry?” If the answer is yes, then I eat. But if I am not hungry and want to eat, how am I feeling? That is the difficult question.

As a dietitian I have counseled many people who were addicted to food. Yep, food. It is readily available, socially acceptable and relatively cheap. Eating is part of being hospitable, unlike alcohol or drugs everyone eats. Eating makes us feel good, but it is only momentary.

If any of you decide to try and eat onlywhen you are hungry, let me know what happens.

I will keep you posted on my journey.


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